FTN - Lead Partner

Faculty of Technical Sciences - FTN

Faculty of Technical Sciences consists of 13 departments and 33 research centers, with more than 90 study programs, 14.000 students and more than 1.000 teaching and researching staff members and represents the largest Faculty in the region. As one of the lead education and research institution, FTN recognizes rapid response in generating new technologies and the need to renovate the existing ones as well as the intensive growth of the economy and the social sector, demand the corresponding development of research work, research-oriented faculty and the effective centers for transforming the knowledge into purposeful technologies. This presumes intensive development of knowledge, high quality of the educational process, flexible curricula and new, functional relationship faculty – enterprise. Education and research activities in the field of RES and EE are included through several study programs at academic and professional level, with practical experiences gained in thematically equipped laboratories. 

Research activities of FTN are primarily oriented towards the research projects which are directly or indirectly aimed at practical application in industry, supporting innovation and technology development. Inherently, because of its nature (Faculty of Technical Sciences is organized as a unique complex institution comprising smaller organizational units such as departments, chairs, research centers etc.), project targeting area of Faculty of Technical Sciences is wide. So far, there were around 200 projects supported by Serbian and Provincial Ministry of Science and Technology and more than 200 international projects realized within different frameworks: FP6, FP7, H2020, EUREKA, COST, IPA, TEMPUS and CEEPUS. These are projects or sub-projects in the field of basic research, innovative projects and technological development projects. As a result of international project activities, Faculty of Technical Sciences has a great experience in disseminating expertise, theoretical and practical knowledge and information. In that regard FTN Office for international cooperation support the preparation and implementation of international projects. 

FTN will be a lead partner directly responsible for project management, overall coordination and financial management. Additionally, FTN is responsible for dissemination of results and education of local, regional authorities and interest groups in Serbia. Furthermore, FTN has joint responsibility for other implementation and communication activities planned within the project.

More information about FTN can be found on the website.