RESCUE project was presented at 21st International Symposium on Power Electronics Ee2021, during 27-30th October 2021. The general goal and purpose of this symposium are dedicated to providing a forum for presentation and discussion of the state-of-art of power electronics and other related areas for power engineering.
During a special industry session which was held on 29th of October in an on-line format as was the entire Ee2021 symposium, the RESCUE project was presented through a segment entitled „The Renewable Energy Sources for smart sustainable health Centers, University Education and other public buildings (RESCUE), Interreg- IPA CBC Croatia-Serbia project“ by the authors Prof. Boris Dumnić, Prof. Damir Šljivac, Prof. Marinko Stojkov, Nikolina Varda and Radisav Lukić. There was great interest in this special session, which had 55 attendees from the industry, several academic institutions and students. During the presentation of the RESCUE project the mutual benefits of the modern technologies are presented, with intended and installed capacities for five project partners public buildings in Croatia and in Serbia.
In addition to the presentation in special industry session part of the conference, the RESCUE project is also presented at session Power Electronics, Drives and Renewable Sources held on 30th October through a paper entitled “Implementation of PV Power Plant in Health and Education Centers through regional cooperation between Croatia-Serbia” presented by Prof. Zoltan Čorba. The program of the 21st International Symposium on Power Electronics Ee2021 can be found on